Meet Our Team

Wes Lane
Senior Broker DSM, CLTC, APP

  (803) 521-4419

  [email protected]

Jessie Lane
RN, BSN, Licensed Agent

  (803) 622-7233

  [email protected]

Jared McAdams
Licensed Agent

  (803) 237-4394

 [email protected]

Arthur Neroshchin
Licensed Agent

  (803) 546-7078

 [email protected]


Why Choose SRS of Columbia

Senior Resource Services of Columbia is managed by Wes Lane and Jessie Lane. We work with the major insurance companies so we can offer our clients appropriate coverage for them. We specialize in providing retirement & insurance solutions specific to you, the retiree. Our retirement counseling starts years before retirement with personalized plans that target retirement goals, healthcare needs, life insurance, long-term care, and income allocation.


Offering Local Insight & Support


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